Saturday, October 11, 2008


We are getting closer!!
I am officially at the uncomfortable stage now which I was hoping would hold off just a bit longer so I could get a little more prep-work in but it's just not about me anymore! I have the absolute worst back pain that I have ever had and I am having to ice the center of my back daily. I am still getting pregnancy massages every other week but I think I may start to go in once a week- they are so helpful! The braxton-hicks contractions have definately increased and like to sneak up on me. Sleeping is done in hour and a half incriments that I am either switching sleeping positions in the middle of, being kicked in the ribs and lungs so hard it wakes me up, or making trips(several) to the bathroom. I think that my body is just prepping me for being up regularly during the night to nurse so I will try to keep that one in the bitter-sweet category. At my last Doctor appointment she was a bit concerned that I was having some early labor symptoms so they went ahead and took a test that can determine if you will be going into labor in the next 2 weeks- amazing that they can do that! My test came back negative which is good- he still has a bit of "baking" to do yet! As far as the braxton-hicks- I just have to drink more water (2 liters before noon!!) and try to stay off my feet and rest more.
I am officially done being the company trainer for Thomas Hammer- which is also a bit bitter-sweet. I really loved the responsibilty of it and getting to teach people technique was really fun but there is no way I can keep up this pace right now! I have also been instructed by my doc to cut back my hours at work too. I'm only supposed to work 4-6 hours a day! If you know me then you know that this is so much easier said than done! She told me this a week ago and so far, I'm not doing so great at this but I don't think my body will tolerate me much longer.
We had our first of 2 birthing classes today. There really wasn't a ton of info that I was shocked about but it definately puts a stamp on the fact that you must begin preparations...NOW! Next weekend we go over more about medications and the actual labor process which will be more informative for us.
Even though I am doing a bit of whining, trust me, I am still loving being pregnant! This little guy is moving a ton and we are pretty sure soccer is in his future. We know our lives are getting ready to change forever and even though that is a scary thought at first, we are really looking forward to that change and meeting him soon!


Chad and Cate Kuhlmann said...

yeah...your getting close...keep hanging in there!

Andrea said...

Keep those feet up friend! As hard as it is to do, nothing helps me more than to rest. Keep the posts coming, I love keeping in touch with everyone this way!