Saturday, May 2, 2009

5 Month Update

WOW- April is already gone! It has been way too long since a post- needless to say, I am a bit busy now that I am back to work. I contemplated just giving up this whole blog thing since it has become so hard to keep up on and to be honest, I really don't think anyone reads this but it is kinda a nice way for me to reminisce about what has happened in our lives.

April was crazy busy- it started with the flu. I think I caught it first and man did it hit our family hard!! I had it for about a week and a half, Parker got it, Kyle got it and literally the whole Lewis clan got it! Then it made its way into my side of the family too- this was a really gnarly bug! Towards the end of me being sick, we took Parker's first road trip. We took him to Auburn, Wa for Kyle's brother, Jared's wedding. He was so great- he slept the whole drive there! He was so good the whole weekend, we were pretty proud of him. The wedding was great and we had a nice weekend away with the family. On our way home, we got to swing through Yakima to visit some of our favorite friends, the McCoys; Andrea, Aaron and Jackson. We had lunch, chatted for a while and Parker and Jackson got to meet for the first time....I'm pretty sure they are instant friends :) They were so cute together! We had such a great visit and it was so nice to catch up with some of our favorite people!

The other super exciting thing that happened in April was that my sister, Erika, moved from Florida to Seattle! This was a true answer to many prayers!! She is a regional manager for M.A.C. cosmetics (amazing!) and had moved to Florida almost 2 years ago with her boyfriend, Nate. Long story short, she planned on moving home whether she had a job or not when, BAM, the same position opened up in Seattle! She interviewed, they loved her, and 3 weeks later she's driving across the country to move home! (sorta home, but definitely closer than Florida!) We have had so much fun seeing her play with Parker finally and getting to catch up- like I have said, God is good!

Parker is growing like a weed still! In fact, he is officially 5 months old today!! At his 4 month check-up he weighed 14lbs, 10 oz and was 24 inches long- He is in the 50th percentile for height, weight and head size. He is amazing me every day with all of his new accomplishments. He has been eating baby food daily along with formula and nursing. He is taking after Kyle and has developed a palate for certain foods. He loves bananas and sweet potatoes and absolutely hates peas. He is sitting up really well by himself and rolled over 3 times today while we visited my Dad today! He is also becoming very vocal too- I love hearing him "talk" to himself or things around him. He has also discovered the dogs and tries to pet them or grab them when they walk by- so cute!
I really will try to keep this thing up to date a bit better- these long posts kill me! Plus, my memory is horrible so trying to squeeze a months worth of info into one post doesn't work so well. Take care!

1 comment:

Chad and Cate Kuhlmann said...

You better not quit...I totally read them! I love the pictures, man he looks like kyle! Hope your enjoying him and not getting to bogged down at work.