Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another growth spurt?!

Stylin' in Auntie Monika's shades

The little one has been napping a lot again lately. He has also been unusually picky too. It's not too bad, I can figure out what he needs pretty easily. The not-so-easy part is trying to hold him in his preferred position (at that moment) while helping him keep in his binky, grabbing his burp rag, reaching for laundry, loading the dishwasher and fiercely staring down dust bunnies all simultaneously. I think that God has trained me well though. All the years in very muti-tasking jobs is paying off and I have always loved a good challenge!

We have had a great week of visits. I am really trying to see all our friends and family before I go back to work in a couple weeks. We met up for coffee with my friend Cate and baby Claire in the afternoon on Wednesday, My sister-in-law Andrea and nephew Ethan Wednesday night, my friend Mica and her mom Janie on Thursday and Parkers Aunt Monika, Aunt Becky and Grandpa Anderson on Friday, and had the Parkerts over for dinner at some point, but I really don't know what day that was. Maybe Parker is just trying to tell me to keep still for a day while he rests up from hugs and kisses galore but I just don't want anyone to miss out on seeing that precious face! I know I am trying to do a bit much when I can't even remember what day of the week it is (seriously!) So I am sitting here, blogging, sipping on coffee (that has chilled since I started this) still in my jamms while Parker naps in his swing and I try to ignore the housework that I should get to that has piled up during this busy week and the fact that I should get into the shower. Call me crazy, but I LOVE this life!!

Morning snuggles with Mom. My favorite time!

Hangin' with Grandapa

Grandpa on diaper duty!


Chad and Cate Kuhlmann said...

We had fun with you guys too!

Andrea said...

Parker is so cute! Can't wait to see you guys soon! Ignore the housework and have a snuggle day, they are the best.